How to uninstall mods from nexus mod manager
How to uninstall mods from nexus mod manager

how to uninstall mods from nexus mod manager

I've arrived at a point where I really don't know what it could be or what I could try next. I did try compatability modes, I've tried starting MO, the 4GB or both as administrator. \FalloutMO.exe' to the launch arguments, that helped me get around the access is denied error but produced this text error. NVAC seems to be working, the log is showing several handled errors. I'm using NVAC, without it the game crashes before arriving at the main menu. NVSE is being loaded, it doesn't matter if I'm using NVSE stable or beta. It only happens if I start the either the normal or the 4GB exe through Mod Organizer. This issue does not happen if I start the 4GB exe on its own. This issue does not happen if I start the game on its own with the normal exe. I can only navigate the main menu by memory, the ingame popups regarding the DLC is missing the text as well. The problem is that all of the text has disappeared or is invisible. The game starts, I can load a save and 'play'. Right now I can launch the 4GB exe through Mod Organizer. I'm trying to get Mod Organizer and the 4GB exe to work together, but despite following all of the advice, tips and workarounds it's still not happening. I'm running Windows 8.1 and a fresh install of Fallout New Vegas with no mods so far. I've stumbled upon a weird issue that I haven't encountered or read about before. Until you restore your game folder to a clean "vanilla" state you face the problem of conflict and possible CTDs. You must remove them all, whether installed via Steam, NMM or manually and re-install them with MO. It is quite simple, ALL mods must be managed by MO to avoid the "unmanaged" indicator appearing next to them.

how to uninstall mods from nexus mod manager

Really!? You spent days searching and haven't found the answer despite posting in a topic that answers the question! I greatly appreciate any time that you can spare to help me out.

how to uninstall mods from nexus mod manager

The mods I'm trying to eliminate have to do with lock-picking, gauldur's amulet and more descriptive mine map markers. I'm also thinking about installing USLEEP ( Is this a good thing? ) and want to ensure that I have a good clean set of mods installed prior to doing that.

how to uninstall mods from nexus mod manager

I've been having occasional CTDs and want to first eliminate these unmanaged mods as a possibility. Would someone be kind enough to point me in the right direction so I can read up on it myself ( preferably ) or tell me how to do it if there is no explanation posted? I've found mods that do the same thing plus additional things and I want to use them instead of the unmanaged mods. I try to find the answers to my questions on my own so I can learn better, but this one has me stumped. I've spent several days looking around trying to find an answer to the question of how to remove unmanaged mods from my MO installed mods list.

How to uninstall mods from nexus mod manager